Welcome to StoneRidge Property Owners Association (SPOA) website for owners. If you are a current OWNER you have access to all of the contents of this website once you have Registered. Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the contents. Please ensure your e-mail address is updated if you make a change. You can do this by accessing your personal "member" page. Click the drop-down menu in the upper right by "welcome" message to update. If you access the Vineyards or Motor Coach Village owner websites, the e-mail MUST be the same.
Changes have been made to the display and postings of the SPOA website Calendars. The Blanchard Community Calendar of events (open to the public) will display on the Home Page. You do not need to log-in to see these events. Click the event for more information.
For events only open to SPOA residents, please log-in. Click the Activity Center drop-down menu and open the SPOA Activity Center Calendar to see the events. These events will also appear in the weekly What's Happening notices. Click the event for more information.
If you have any questions or suggestions for additional content, please contact the website administrator by completing the Website Questions/Suggestions Form in the Forms tab.